Looks Pretty Good To Me...

there is a number of small things /

Monday, March 31, 2008


Achy muscles going on Lamination Colony. I am working on take home exams about Chaucer. Fuck. This sucks. And listening to lil wayne.

Fuck. Ahhh. I just don't want to do this bullshit.

I wish I had a lot of money. I would buy books. I hate libraries. I always get fines. I have a fucker of a fine right now. I lost a book. Apparently, it costs 60000000 dollars to replace the book. I didn't count how many zeros I pressed. Maybe I just tabulated the cost of a typical american invasion of another country. I don't know. The New York Times is writing about abstinent girls who want chivalrous guys. I see they haven't read any works of chivalry. Most chivalrous guys would rape them and then murder them. Unless they were already married. Then they would sing songs for them under their windows. I love people abstracting chivalry and hoping to find it in society. This is the way I think when I have to write a paper. Particularly one on Chaucer and Courtly Love. Ha.

In other news, I am considering moving to New York with Jess. She has a killer deal at Rockefeller, I have a not so killer deal at New School, and together we come out as comfortably mediocre. Or, I come out shitty and she comes out on top. Hmmm. I like New York ok. I think it has issues. The subway blows. Manhattan can be a bit of a frat party. But other than that, it has good restaurants and movies and music and a lot of activity and most writers seem to live there. So. Also, Rockefeller is a fucking upper east side womb.

This entry has a lot of curse words. A lot of meta-commentary as well.



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