Silvery Decline
Silvery decline! We are one sweet thing together and we are lying awake
at night, us together down that silvery decline!
Steadier and steadier, our burning bobsled bodies, our grinning forest haircuts,
our arms locked, and our fists making tiny fetuses out of history,
together, and further down that silvery decline!
Fetuses Fetuses Fetuses of our past! You can feel their fingers
itching at your back, you can hear their babytalk,
their wailing birthmoments, their recitations of love poems I am
writing to you, on our trip down that silvery decline!
I am in love with everything, it all gets buried together
And then all the burials are all sucked into the blackness of space like a woman giving
birth on the internet in reverse.
Everything is forgotten and I am with you right now in the heart of the universe.
The universe is a gigantic throbbing heart and all the pain throbs together.
I am with you in the black heart of space in the universe.
In the black space between the colors of your eyes and the other parts of
your eyes that have color but I can’t see them.
It is a giant heart, and it is an artery, and it is veins, and it carries oxygen,
and it flows through the belly, and into every deep hole, waiting and breathing.
And a belly full of ashes and a belly full of clay, and dirt filled, and filled with sand
is what you have to look forward to, and filled up with many other things and
burned out like stars eventually and then drained and always waiting.
And babies floating in bellies full of rotten teeth. And cancerous lumps of
memories that are chemotherapied to death. You are always waiting.
Wait for me in your gold slip from heaven that I saw you buried in. I love you.
That silvery decline, the raw puked-up smell of flowers blooming, the oceans
licking the dog puke off the sand, the crabs and gulls shitting and eating and making
tracks everywhere along the beach,
tonight and tonight and tonight when the ocean pulls forward and foams all over itself,
I will imagine you are the flavor of the sand and the flavor of the saltwater
mixed in the dog’s mouth, mixed in with the soaked wings of gulls.
And up into the fleshy vulnerable flank of the sky,
the moon, a navel, a lonely crab shell, twisted melon skin,
underdeveloped baby tongue, a segment of finger, a white nail in a tugboat
that hoots at the other boats because it is so small. I watch the planets readjust.
Every time I move my feet gravity changes, the world shifts, the universe alters.
blake butler talked about achy muscles on his blog. good job.
i am glad you are complimenting me.
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